“[A] simple loop around Watch Hill is less than five miles long and takes only minutes. It passes through a terrain shaped by glaciers, over land and by sea hunted and fished by the Indians, farmed by the colonists, and lastly developed as a resort. Watch Hill’s character has been shaped by that land and seas, by the architecture and institutions of the place, and by the generations who have lived here.
In early summer, the air is redolent of wild roses, honeysuckle, and beach pea, and at all seasons of the bracing salt of the sea. As summer progresses, adults and children flock to the sandy beaches and take to the water in boats. They play tennis and golf and sail and swim at the clubs. They worship at the Chapel. And for three months, they live a life of active sociability or quiet relaxation in a charmed place…
Known primarily as a summer place, Watch Hill is in fact a place for all seasons. And for those fortunate enough to have spent all or parts of their lives here, year after year, there is nowhere they would rather be. Careers may have taken them across the country, even around the world, but in the end, this is where they always truly come home.”